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Only $1, then $37/month
Try it now, immediate results!
First of all, I want to congratulate you on your purchase. You now have one of, if not the best, sports training tools for your sport on the market. You are one step closer to becoming the best version of yourself!

But the fact is that if you genuinely want to achieve your best, you're going to need someone by your side. Someone who has coached thousands of youth, collegiate, and pro athletes. Someone who can coach you and show you everything that you need to know.

And that's why, for a limited time, I'm opening a Members Only Site for people like you. You will not only have access to all my secret training tips and drills, but you will also have all the same information I give to all the athletes I train 1-on-1, plus other unique and exclusive content.

I'm not even going to charge that much at all because, for the first month, you can get all of this for just $1. That's right - for only $1, you can try out all of these training support elements.

Spend one month with us and see if it's right for you. And if it's not right for you. No worries. You don't have to continue. But if it is, you will be a full member, and for $37 a month, you'll be able to get access to all our sports training courses. Imagine - $37 for literally hundreds of tutorials across every different sport out there. Think about that - only $37 for literally hundreds of tutorials across every other sport you can imagine. I am offering you thousands of dollars' worth of my training for only $37 a month.
What's Included:
  • Unlimited Access: Access to all our proprietary Powercore 360 training courses & programs (baseball, football, golf, softball, volleyball and others)
  • Power & Injury Prevention: Improve sport performance while simultaneously preventing injury risks
  • Live Q&A: Weekly live Q&A Zoom sessions with our Powercore 360 expert coaches

Money-Back Guarantee

If you don't see the value in this membership, we will refund your month's payment, within 48 hours, no questions asked!

Secure Processing

Each order is processed through a secure, 256-bit encrypted payment processing gateway to ensure your privacy.
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